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pooping and peeing in living room

19 14:08:29

i have a 3 year old poodle who does his business on a pad in the kitchen, he has in the past been very good about getting it on the pad, but recently we noticed that when we come home he's pooped in the living room, and maybe a little on the pad peeing is ok but i find some spots where he went, he is alone during the day mon.-fri. about 8-9 hours but he's always been very good why the sudden change please help i don't know what else to do

Hello Janet,
I really don't know what would cause the sudden change in behavior. Has he always been left alone? or has there been some big change in his lifestyle? (my female Portuguese Water dog starting peeing on my bed when my husband and I split up and he moved out) I guess I would start by blocking him off into one room...preferably with tile flooring. If you use a bathroom, baby gate the doorway. Closing a door makes the room hot if the heat is running and makes them feel confined. If he still has accidents within one room, try crating him. He may have just created a bad habit for himself and needs a change of routine to get back to his old ways.
This is one reason I am not for paper training or letting a dog potty inside. I think it is best if they just learn that it is NEVER ok to go in the house.  Good Luck to you.  I wish I could be of more help.