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how big will my yorkie get

19 13:39:14

I have a male yorkie that is 20 weeks old and weighs 2.7 pounds. I wanted to know how big he would get? Also I try to get him to wear clothes but he just seems not to like them and tries to get them off. How can I get him to like clothes?

Hello, Yorkies normaly reach 4-6 pounds Tea-cup typed yorkies which are genrally unhealthy and are just inbreed dogs that come from very small abnormaly small yorkies which make for sickly puppies. Some dogs will wear anything for example my female 11 pound boston terrier she will wear and shirt or gown I get her, then tehre is my sisters chihuhua it hates even wearing a collar and only will wear tis collar for a wlak(collars for walking small dogs inst reccomended! use a harrness for safety). I have no idea how to get a dog who hates clothes to wear them I suppose my little boston terrier exepts them because she has very smooth close fitting fur and she gets her ssweaters put on for walks when its cold she doens tmind being warm a yorkie on the other hand has more fur but no undercoat and can still get cold....sorry I can no help you more.