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pregnant great dane

19 14:21:54

Is it normal for my Great Dane female to have a slight bloody discharge very near her due date?

Hi Michele-
Yes, it is very normal for her to be having a slight bloody discharge.  You may even notice a thick mucus discharge too.  Just as us women lose our mucus plug, the bitches do.  Depending on how many litters she's had (and I'm assuming that this is her first), depends on when she will deliver.  Many experts tell you to take the temperature and when it takes a big dive in degrees, she will begin labor within 24 hours.  It's never worked for me.  I know when labor has become because the female acts very out of her character.  She will want to be with you and follow you around the house or lay next to you, she may or may not be off her feed.  I've had females that eat a meal while in active labor already.  She will be very uncomfortable, not able to find a spot where she is content.  She will begin to clean the vaginal area a lot more.  Her vulva will also begin to swell as when she was in heat.  She may try to hide, if she doesn't have a spot set up for her already to deliver.  She may do a lot of scratching, also known as nesting.  As she gets closer, she will want a dark, quiet place to deliver, with you close by.  The quieter and more relaxed it is for them, the easier the labor comes.  If you're a comfort to her when she's not pregnant, then she'll really want you near.  She will look to you for emotional support.  It sounds wierd, but it makes a huge difference in delivering if they have some sort of "security' there when they deliver.  Good luck with your new litter and please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns, either before she delivers or after the pups have been born.  (I just love Great Danes...they're so big!)
Patty Lemke