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Urinary frequency in great dane puppy

19 11:58:59

We had a Great Dane puppy born Sept 26. He cannot hold his urine.  We have had his urine and stools tested at one vet. They say there is no infection. We take him out every 30 minutes, at least, we home and he still can have an accident by dribbling .  We had him tested about a month ago but still no change.  Should we have him tested again, by another vet?  Thanks for any advice you can give.

I am assuming that this puppy is not drinking excessively and thus having to urinate frequently.

If your veterinarian did a urinalysis, found nothing wrong, yet did no further testing even though there is still an obvious problem, then, yes, I would say that it is time to find a different veterinarian.

Your puppy could still have an infection, but further up in the urinary tract (ie. the kidneys or ureter). His urine should be cultured to see if anything shows up.

Another possible cause of dribbling in young dogs is a birth defect called ectopic ureter(s), whereby the ureter basically goes straight from the kidney to the urethra, bypassing the bladder.
