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My dog swallowed a bone

19 11:01:26

QUESTION: My 13 pound 1 year old shitzu swallowed a bone on Monday evening. Today is Wednesday. The bone was about an inch around in size and shaped liked a popcorn when it is fully popped.. PLease tell me what will happen. She has moved her bowls 4 times since then and everything is ok so far but I am still nervous as to what do I expect..

ANSWER: It would be a good idea to get this dog to the vet-as bones can be dangerous and can cause the intestines to tear,so for safety it would be good to go to the vet and get some x-rays done as the dog may need surgery to have it removed

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: In your opinion though so u think she is ok as so far she is great and just her normal self..

Often symptoms don't show up for days-so in my opinoin,no she is not out of the woods,it can even take up to two or three weeks for symptoms to show up

It is much better to have her go to the vet and get it sorted now,rather then wait for something to show up

I had a dog that I made the mistake of waiting and he almost died because of it,because he seemed fine but he wasn't-so I would say have her x-rayed,rather be safe then sorry