Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Ticks


19 11:38:29

QUESTION: My dog had a tick on his paw and we took it off but it left a red scab and now he's limping on that same paw. What should i do? Thanks for your help!

ANSWER: Hi Angela,

You didn't say how long ago the tick was removed from your dog. If it was two of three days ago, you might want to have your dog examined by your vet, because limping (usually one foreleg), is a symptom of Lyme Disease

Wash your dog's paw thoroughly with soap and water. Keep the area clean. There's really not much to do for a minor paw injury. Try to keep the dog calm and quiet. If the limping doesn't go away in a reasonable amount of time, then a visit to the vet is called for.

Best of luck,

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you! He had it on for less then a day and we took it off. The limping doesn't bother him  alot though and he's not limping very bad. It's been 4 days now.

Hi Angela,

The chances of a dog getting Lyme disease from a tick that was attached for less than 24 hours is slim. The fact the limping isn't getting worse is also a sign your dog doesn't have Lyme, since limping usually progresses over three to four days from mild and barely noticeable to complete disuse of the painful leg.

A small dab of a first aid cream which also helps pain, such as Neosporin Plus Pain Relief First Aid Antibiotic/Pain Relieving Cream will help the wound heal, and give your dog some relief. If you can keep him from licking it off for 15 minutes or longer, that would be a big help.

Best of luck,