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malteze shitzu crosses 2 sisters

19 10:04:52


We brought to 8 weeks puppies from the same litter and same sex, really lovely, we have had them now six months, after being told from the RSPCA when they were 10 weeks, that we should not have brought two sisters from the same litter, we could not do anything then because they were some lovely and fun we could not choice between them as their characters are so different, now they play fight, but every now and then it gets out of hand, and we stop them, how should we try to stop them from getting to ruff?
one is alot bigger than the other and she is the leader as such, but the little one gives as good as she gets, but misses out because she is a lot smaller.

Probably a good idea would be to give them time away from each other,like in different rooms,so they bond with you rather than each other,which will make training harder as they will bec0ome dependant on each other rather than you

And if they fight when they are together,because they are so young it will be best just to let them sort it out on there own