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Hello, as you already know...

19 14:15:38

Hello, as you already know I have a 1 1/2 year old lab and a 7 month old jack russle terrier, the lab is female and is spayed the jack russl is male and isnt neutered. I don't plan on having "luke" neutered and am planning on getting another dog. I have found a breeder of border collies that will have a litter born the end of june and ready mid august, I plan to get my pup from this person. Now I don't know weather to get a male or a female, I would perfer a male as I don't need to have him neutered and I don't want to go through a spay surgey experiance again. The pup will be 6/8 weeks old when I get him, my question is: If I bring him up with my two dogs will they get along? without having him or my russle neutered?

Have a look at the local shelter,there are plenty of puppies to chose from,and as a long time volunteer,males should be fixed as well,not only are way too many dogs being put down,but it can also cause testicle cancer

I know sometimes it is costly,but there are low cost clinics,usualy ran by the SPCA or other rescues