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companion for a lonely retriever

19 11:38:06

Hello. My girlfriend has a golden retriever Called Cody. She is left alone from
8:30 - 3:30 mon - thurs. She is walked at least once a day and is well cared-
for and loved. She looks so sad though when we leave her to go to work (or
anywhere) and thought another dog as a companion would be good for her.
She lives in a suburban yard near the beach in southern Tasmania. Our
question is, what are the most compatible breeds for her. My girlfriend wants
a small dog that doesn't lose hair like Cody. Can you advise us?

Hello, A good match that doesnt shed can be hard to find, The Miniature Schnauzer sheds little to no hair is small and feisty and can keep up with a large golden is also much much less fragile then a shituz or something of that sort. Theres some info on keeping multiple dogs on my website:

best of luck.