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swelling of eyes

19 14:03:16

my min pins eyes are slightly swollen and the side of her mouth is also, i had put out some ant poison, i watered it like the directions said, after it was dry i let her out to use the bathroom, i figured it was ok, but i dont know if the swelling is from the poison....thanks

Hi Rollie,

There are many kinds of poison, and many different responses an animal can have to being poisoned, but swollen eyes and throat can be a reaction.

If you think your dog might have ingested a chemical poison, you must act fast to stop the poison from being absorbed into his system. You should immediately contact your veterinarian. It's entirely too dangerous, perhaps even a matter of life and death, to wait for a response from an internet help site.

Hopefully you dog is okay, and the swelling has gone down, if it hasn't, or has gotten worse please contact your vet immediately. Most vets have an after hour emergency service. This should be treated as an after hour emergency. Bring the poison with you when you go to the vet.

If you can not contact your veterinarian, then call your local poison control center with the container at hand, if possible, to identify the chemical and the amount ingested. You can find their phone number in your phone book.
Keep syrup of ipecac and/or hydrogen peroxide on hand, but do not use it without instructions from your veterinarian or the poison control center.

If you are in North America, the ASPCA has a toll free animal poison control center hotline which is open 24hours a day, 365 days a year. There is a $55 per case fee, payable by credit card. This fee includes as many follow-up calls as necessary in critical cases, and, on request, they will contact your veterinarian. Call 888-426-4435.

I sincerely hope everything works out well for you and your dog.
