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adopt or buy

19 14:16:32

Just a little over a month ago my husband and I lost our beloved "Zack" after 8 short years.  Zack was a handsome black and rust min pin. Since we cannnot have children because of medical reasons, he was our child.  We lost him March 22nd.  He had been "sick" since Martin Luther Kings' birthday weekend.  To make a long story shorter, he was diagnosed with and auto immune disease, by an internal medicine specialist. 3 months and $9,000.00 later, we were told that Zack had developed pneumonia and they recommended us to end his suffering.  This has been the hardest month of my life, I think.  There hasn't been a day that has gone by that I haven't cryed for my boy.  My husband called the lady that we had purchased Zack from and she still has Zack's mom and Zack's sister.  She said that she was considering having puppies again and that she would let us know come fall if she was successful with breeding.  My husband feels that we should get a dog with some of Zack in him.  I feel that their are so many unwanted dogs out there that we should adopt one.  He says that you never know then what you might get.  I loved Zack but I don't know if I get another min pin, just because I would ALWAYS be comparing them to Zack.  I don't know what do you think?

First of all I would like to say that I'm sorry for your loss.
Since this isn't a question with a wrong/right answer, I'll will just offer my opinion if I was in your place. I think adopting a puppy is a very good choice, 2 of my dogs are adopted. However, if you loved zack very much, you might feel closer to your dog if he is related to Zack. I think you will compare any dog to Zack, so you shouldn't adopt a dog and compare him to a Miniture Pinscher, because probably they will be different.
I would check adopted dogs and look for one that I love, if you coudln'n find one, then I think you should get a
Miniature Pinscher that is related to Zack.
Good luck...