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dog and new puppy problems

19 11:37:38

hi there,

i have searched and searched and i cannot find the advice to help so i am hoping you can.

we have a dog who is almost 5 years old and she is an affectionate little soul and we decided to get another dog. we rescued a 13 week make puppy 2 days ago and had researched introduction techniques.we were very successful with introducing them outside the house and they were walking together perfectly, however in the house is a different story. when my dog cassie gets up to go for a wander the puppy thinks its playtime and starts barking at her and jumping at her which starts her barking and they both continue to bark for upto 30 mins at each other. cassie is trying to put the pup in his place but seems to be holding back. she is not willing to nip him or retaliate in any way. i am mostly looking for advice on how to stop the barking match and to find out how long this will last, or if its just a case of letting cassie do what she needs to do to put the pup in his place. i will say though that yesterday (day 2) both dogs lay on the one bed and slept side to side so i feel that we are getting there, i dont expect them to be happily ever after overnight but if i can help the process along then i would be grateful for any advice. please please please!

Ok.  What I would do is anytime the new pup starts instigating a barking match with Cassie remove him from the area.  Take him to another room,  or put him in a puppy pen.  Give him a chew toy to distract him.  When you bring him back in if he is calm,  reward him with a treat.  If he starts trouble again just repeat.  Remove him again.

This will pass.  Pups are ful of beans and often older dogs just cant be bothered.

Good luck.