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Hello. I am not sure if you...

19 14:03:10

Hello.  I am not sure if you will be able to help, but I have a question.

I took my dachshund to the vet this morning for a teeth cleaning and to fix an umbilical hernia.  The vet forgot to repair the hernia and offered to do it tomorrow morning.  Is it safe to put a small dog under two days in a row?  Would waiting a week or so be better?  I really appreciate your opinion.  Thank you.  

The only problem would be that to sedate the animal it doesn't need to eat for 12 hours before the surgery. So it didn't eat last night, and should not be allowed to eat tonight for the surgery the tomorrow. This could cause the blood glucose (sugar) levels to drop and could cause some problems. I would schedule the surgery for Thursday or Friday to avoid this possible risk. Other than this there really isn't any other risks with the anestisia and this one I mentioned is small (most likely would not be a problem at all) and if it did occur it could quickly be treated by your vet. Hope this helped.