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Puppy runs and plays games when time to go out

19 9:33:17

Hi, Patti-  
I asked a question this morning and have another to ask. Our 12 week old beagle mix runs around and hides when we call him to go out. He does this as soon as we approach him with or without the leash. I'm torn on how to handle this. It's the time he should need to relieve himself, but running around chasing him is a game and makes him in charge. How do we nip this in the bud without indulging him? Thanks, Shelly


Hi Shelly,

Some pups seem overwhelmed a leash. With a little time and patience you can get your puppy used to the leash. Attach the leash to the collar when your puppy is eating or playing, and let the him get used to it being there. Distract your puppy into play or other interaction with you whenever the puppy seems bothered by the leash or starts to chew it. Don't remove it if the puppy makes a fuss about it. Remove it at a time the pup has forgotten it's there.

For now, don't give your puppy a chance to run away because there is the possibility he'll have a house training accident while he's hiding. Pick him up from where ever he's being contained or crated, and as you're walking towards the door, attach the leash to his collar so by the time you reach the door, you're ready to set him down outside.

I hope that helps!
Best of luck,
