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Schnoodle pooping in the house

19 14:10:50

Karen, Our Schnoodle constantly goes in the house and also after he's been taken outside.  We do take him out after meals and like I said he sometimes waits to come back in the house and does his thing. He will pee and poop outside and then as soon as he comes in the house he will do it again.  Sometimes he poops an extensive amount for a small dog. He also tends to eat it.  We were given a powder by the vet to put on his food so that he would not eat his poop and that worked but when that was finished he began again. We bought bells to put on the door so he let us know when he wants to go out and reward him with a treat when  trying to teach him.  But it is just not working. He is 6 months old.  We don't have any other real problems with him. Any helpful hints is very appreciated.

This puppy has formed some very bad habits that will be very hard to break now.

First of all, most dogs are not reliably housebroken until they are over a year of age. You need to go back to square one and start over with his housebreaking. Put him in his crate when he cannot be watched, and when he is loose, he must be constantly watched; I would suggest tethering him to you with a long leash so that you can be more aware of his signals and needs. The bells do work, but maybe you didn't give them enough time; not all dogs are Einsteins*G*.

As to the stool-eating and excessive stools, this could be diet-related. Make sure you have him on a high-quality kibble. Find out what your vet had you sprinkling on his food and get some more. (One product is called Forbid, and Rudolph's Meat Tenderizer is also supposed to work.) You will probably have to do this for quite some time to break him of this habit.