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toy poodle

19 9:53:23

I have a toy poodle that is 6 months old.  She recently got a hold of a single sweet n low packet.  I am unsure if the packet was already empty before she had it or if she ate what was inside.  She has had diareha for 2 days now.  It is orange in color and not completely liquified.  She still eats, drinks, and plays normally, I am just worried that something serious is wrong.  I won't be able to get her to the vet until my mom gets paid so if you would please email me asap.

Hi Christina,

It is impossible to tell if her physical symptoms now are related to what may or may not have been in the packet - she is young, and there are different things that can cause the symptom you describe.

If she has been like this for two days, she needs to be taken the the vet. Call the vet and explain the situation, and see if they will see you - explain to them you simply don't have the money right now, but you will pay them as soon as your mom gets paid.  From what you describe, I think its more likely to be related to diet in general - but better safe than sorry.

There are a lot of expenses to having a dog - not just food, but exams, innoculations, training - and this is just the first of a lot of those expenses. I don't know if you are old enough that you are working too, or if mom is the one who has taken on the responsibility of the dog expenses - but it might be good to think about setting aside a little for dog expenses. Hopefully there won't be many 'emergency' ones.

Please call the vet and explain the situation, so she can be seen as soon as possible.