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pomerranian liver infection

19 9:37:31

hello doctor, i had a Pomeranian bitch almost 12 year old .she had left eating food for many,we took her to a vet but she was not cured by him and started doing vomiting and then we took her to a vet university where doctor took the ultrasound of hers and said there is a leaver infection and gave her some medicines and also gave her glucose but the condition is not cured and at last another doctor sad us for a blood test of our bitch but in the mean while she was died plz doctor tell us what was the reason of her death?The university vet could not detect her disease and last night of her death she badly wept for almost 6 hours and doctors was enable to find why is she weeping,doctor what was the reason of her death.Ours family in great shock.plz doctor,guide us.

Dear Annu,
I am not a doctor or vet.  I think there are some on this site though.  But I have seen this before.  The infection gets into the liver and the dog dies.  Sometimes it is a cancer that cannot be detected and it is painful.  I am so sorry for your loss.  If you can afford it get a necropsy and that will tell you why your little dog died.