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eye drop problem

19 11:47:46

we have a jack russell with an eye infection we have eye drops for him but we are having trouble giving them to him     he will not keep still at all and wriggles everywhere weve tried bribary with treats etc    and if we try to lift him up to do it we get scratched to bits its just a nightmare   please help   thanks deb

Hi Debra and thanks for your question.

This can be such a challenge! It's frustrating for you and the dog, which makes it worse.

You can try this method. Lay your dog down (on it's side the eye is on) on a table. One person will stand at the dogs back with their arms extending out toward the paws of the front and back legs. With the hands, grasp both paws (one hand for front and one hand for the back). Using your forearm, put pressure along the front legs, shoulder/neck, and back, as well as the hind legs, hip, and back. This holds the dog down to the table and allows the other person to be free to administer treatment as needed. The key to the immobilization is to use enough pressure to keep the dog down, but not so much as to injury. They will struggle at first, but will eventually give in. You just have to stand firm and don't let the dog dictate the procedure. If he learns that if he struggles you will stop, there will always be more and more struggle, because he has been conditioned to continue as long as it takes to get his way.

Another way that might help would be to have one person hold him by straddling him between their knees, holding the head, while the other person does the treatment. I have found however, this allows too much movement for the dog and not enough control.