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HELP Puppy Mills

19 9:45:45

Dear Patti,
i am 11 and i want to start a dog walking business to raise money to give 1000 dollars to the ASPCA and the Humane Society. I could dog walk and my friends help too. Puppy Mills is a place where they breed dogs and thousands die every year. i cant go to far places or else my mom will scream. what do i do also when i have cancel one day of dog walking?


Hi Christina,

Transportation can definitely be an issue when you're 11 years old. If you think you won't be able to get to your dog walking job on time, or you need to cancel with your client be sure to give them plenty of advanced notice that you would not be available!

It's really wonderful that you're trying to raise $1000 to give the the ASPCA and the Humane Society. Maybe you can talk over your wish to raise this money with a teacher, or an adult from your church or synagogue who can help you organize this fund raising effort and help you raise the money.

Best of luck,
