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I have a 2 1/2 month-old...

19 14:22:04

I have a 2 1/2 month-old Shih tzu and ever since her visit to the vet about a week ago, she has had loose stool. Prior to the visit (I had had her for a week before I took her to the vet), her stools were normal. The vet gave her a dose of dewormer (drontal plus). When I called the vet, the receptionist informed me the dogs usually have loose stool after being dewormed. However, because it's been going on for a week, I am concerned.

Please advise.

Thank you.


They do get loose stool after wormings and shots.  Also due to stress.  If there is no blood or foul oder she should be fine.  My suggestion is plenty of water and baby kapectate.  Half a spoon should help to harden her stool back up.  If not, I would get her back in to see the vet.