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19 10:03:04

iv got a 10 month old bitch yorkshire terrier, she has just gone into season, how long does it last?? as she is bleeding n not aloud in the livinroom coz iv got cream carpet n sofa, n she dosent understand why she isent allowed in, thank you

Hi Sharon,

You can expect your dog to come into season, or have her "heat cycle" twice a year on average. This lasts for 21 days, which is also on average. Just like humans, a dog's period can be longer or shorter, and change in duration and the flow from season to season.  You can read more about your dog's heat cycle here:

You should have your dog spayed, that will stop all future heat cycles, and save your carpet. There are many reduced cost spay clinics, contact your local animal shelter, Humane Association or call your regular vet to see what programs are in your area. You dog will also gain important health benefits from being spayed.  Spayed dogs won't develop or have an incredibly low chance of developing the following: pyometra, a uterine infection that can be deadly, mammary cancer, tumors in the ovaries or uterus, or false pregnancies and other hormonal imbalances.

Best of luck,