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open sore

19 10:39:36

my yorkie has an open sore on her side that is about the size of a pimple and looks like a pimple. it is raised, with a hole in the middle of it.  it is oozing blood and puss.  i have cleaned it with peroxide and covered it to keep it clean.  i left it  open to scab over but it keeps ripping open and oozing.  this is the second time this has happened but the first one cleared up within a few days of my cleaning it.  what are these things, should i be concerned?

It sounds like an abscess- it needs to be drained, cleaned thoroughly and treated with antibiotics or it can keep coming back. Has she gone to the vets yet? You just have to keep cleaning it, use a clean cloth with warm water and gently squeeze it to remove access pus and debris, peroxide to clean it and disinfect, and neosporin to help it heal. I would also, again, bring her into the vet to have it checked and find out what kind of abscess it is and why she has it!

I hope she feels better!