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Chinese Crested Skin Care

19 14:05:59

Hi Becky!

I have a hairless Chinese Crested, a litle girl around 9 months old and she is having skin problems. Over the past week her skin has become extremely blotchy, mostly under her arms and her legs and a little on her back.

Could you please advise as to what may have caused this and what i can do to stop it.

I look forward to your response - Kind regards Romany

Hello Romany!

You just caught me before going to bed, so I will be happy to help you, I hope!
My male Crested has the same problem.  Chinese Crested dogs are known for skin problems, unfortunately.  Buy a good medicated shampoo, lather her up really good and let it sit on her skin for at least 20 min.  Be very careful, as you don't want her to chill.  You can take a towel and put it in your dryer to heat it up and wrap that around her if you want.  Just be careful that she doesn't get cold.  By letting this soak into the skin, it should help the areas that are bad.  After rinsing her,  dry her well and it wouldn't hurt to rub some cream in the areas.  I live Nivea, but you can experiment.  
If this does not help........she may have some type of fungus. My male Crested had this one time, and it looks like dry patches, sometimes black looking.  I bought some over the counter anti-fungal cream and rubbed it in the areas that were splotchy.  It worked great!  You can try the medicate baths and use the anti-fungal cream too. It won't hurt her.  If you have a problem finding the cream, ask your pharmacist and he will direct you.  The kind I got was a generic brand used for foot fungus.  
I hope this helps.  I love Chinese Crested, we just have to take special care of our naked babies!  Be careful in the sun too....use sun block as they will get sunburned!

God Bless,