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Shiba inu in heat

19 10:25:24

I have a shiba inu almost one year old.  I think she is in heat.  she has blood coming out of her pee.  How long will this last? Is this normal.

Hi Tim-

If your shiba inu has never been in heat and has not been spayed, then yes, certainly she could be in heat. Female dogs go into heat every 6 months and it typically lasts about a month each time. Spaying her will solve this delemia!

There is also a possibility she is NOT in heat, and the blood is indicative of a urinary tract infection. Try to see if the blood is only coming in her urine, or if she is bleeding all the time. Also, her vulva will be swollen and red if she is in heat. If there is only blood in her urine, a trip to the vet is a good idea just to be safe.

Good luck, and remember to spay and neuter your pets!