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Bichon frise puppy

19 13:34:51

On Friday I got a 8wk old female bichon for our family. She will not stop scratching her ears and today I looked in them they look brownish and stink very bad. Also she had blood in her stool this morning. Thanks for the help.

Hi Kris,
She probbly has ear mites.  These little mites will drive a dog crazy, scratchign their ears and making their lives miserable.  Your Vet will be able to check a small bit of the ear wax under a microscope and let you know for sure.  Then he will give you some drops to put in the ears.  They will NOT go away, only get worse, so you need to be sure and have it treated.  She also probably needs to be dewormed.  Blood in the stool can be caused by hookworms or cocciddea.  Your Vet can check her for that at the same time.  
God Bless,