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coughing and hacking

19 9:53:48

My 8 yr old chihaua is coughing and hacking.  I have had her to the Vets several times.  The last time he put her on an antibiotic and fluid shot.  She is no better.  He thought maybe it was her heart.  She breaths hard after coughing. She acts like something is stuck in her throat when she coughs and gags. Could it be she has respiratory problems or What?  I can't seem to find the answer. HELP!

Hello Sheryl;
I would take her back to the vet, and have her look at her heart for sure...and then, go from there to the respiratory system,
Also, I would treat her for upper GI Coccidia, which you can do simply with Primor. This is a drug your Vet will have to dispense, but, it works great also on the Upper respiratory system.
Sometimes, they can sound like a Hack with Coccidia, but, it is actually a gas that is building up in their stomach...the lower type of Coccidia affects their intestinal tract, and gives them diarrhea , and their is no coughing...but when it affects the upper, it sounds like a Crup coughing a "Barking Seal".
The Primor will not hurt her at all, and if it is a respiratory infection, it will make it go away as well..either way, great stuff!!
1/2 Tab for the dogs 5 pounds or smaller, once daily.
Talk to your vet, and see what goes.
Let me know how you do, and give me a rating on the site!
Best regards,