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About my Pug

19 11:46:10

QUESTION: Hi I have a wonderful female pug Bella she is 17 months old! She went into her second heat on March 12th & was breed on March 26th I estimate her delivery at May 28th. She started finding a nesting place tonight, I found her hidden in my living room closet on a blanket. I am not sure what I should do as I have a business trip June 1st - 3rd. I tried getting out of it but couldn't. I am scared she will have her puppies just before I go. My main concern is she won't be closely watched while I am away & I will be worried about her. Am I over reacting or should I take the stud owner up on her offer to keep her while I am away? But then my other question if I did that is will she be ok delivering in an unfamilar place & will I be able to move her & the puppies back home when I return? Any advice you could give me would be appreciated.

ANSWER: Alisa,
All your concerns are valid.  Lets hope she has them before you leave.  Is the stud owner a breeder?  If not I would board them at a TRUSTED  Vet who has all night people staying there.  Pugs can run into trouble having pups and can die.   After the pups are born, it is safer to leave her.  And I would have someone come in to your home as first choice    Don't let her labor over about 8 hours before you call a vet to check with him.  She should be ok after whelping to go to the studs place for a couple of days and then bring her home.  Just keep the box you are using and bring that too.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Well Bella delivered her puppies sooner than expected with no complications 5/24/07. She had a litter of 8 but 2 were still born, we now have 2 healthy females & 4 healthy males. Bella & the puppies had a vet visit the same day & they are doing wonderfully. You may have already addressed this answer to me but will Bella & the puppies be ok to go to the Stud owners house (yes she is a breeder)while I am away then come back home or will it be too stressful for her & her pups? Thanks again for all your help.

what is the alternative if she doesn't go to the breeder?  who will watch her?   someone needs to watch to make sure she is eating and make sure the pups are nursing.  do you have someone who will do that?  it is stressful for them to be moved.  that is why i am asking if you have someone to be a good watcher there.  please answer