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itchy skin on mini schnauzer

19 13:43:51

hi my mini schnauzer recently developed itchy red skin on certain areas of her body and is scratching and licking them very often causing slight hair loss too. the areas are face,around eyes, both shoulder joints and paws. need help. i still have some Taktic Wash from past vet's visit for some skin problem which i can't remember, can i use it?  

While I am not familiar with that product, I am quite sure you could use it. However, the problem your dog is currently experiencing may not be related to the problem she had previously. I would suggest you take her into your vet and get a diagnosis and see what he can do for her. This could be anything from mites, to thyroid, to allergies. He should probably do a skin scraping to check for mites. I assume you are feeding a quality food and not a cheap grocery store brand.
