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How to retrain 10-year-old housebroken dog?

19 9:24:29


My 10-year-old spayed greyhound has been regularly urinating and also sometimes pooing on the carpet for several months. We have been to the vets and there is nothing wrong with her bladder or kidneys. Despite that we did try some meds that were to strengthen her bladder muscles, but that did not help. We think it is probably something to do with behaviour or habit.

I've back tracked, and originally she peed on the odd occasion but now she does so every night. But there seems to be no big "stressful" event that perhaps could have started it. No baby, no move, the family has only been slightly stressed last year because so many close people to us were getting seriously ill or dying, but no one close to the dog.

At the moment, she normally pees during the night, we let her out before bed at 11pm/12am and let her out again in the morning at 6am. She used to "whinge" for us if she needed the toilet, but now she doesn't. I'm worried as my Mum who normally looked after her and doesn't work could work herself around to letting her out, has gone away for a while and myself and my Dad are both working and have trouble letting her out so often during the night and getting a full night's rest for work.

She also drinks a lot, often leaving her dog bowl bone dry. I'm worried about dehydrating her, but she could easily drink several litres in a day. How much should I keep it down to? We checked and she doesn't have diabetes either.

I was wondering if you had any tips in training her, I've never caught her in the act and she always pees and poos in the same place (we have put mats down over the top and washed them after the accident to get rid of the urine - we also use urineoff on the area too). Just curious but she did poo this morning and I noticed the mat kicked up, I think she may have brushed the carpet with her back legs, which I associate she does when she's "happy" after a poo. But you know more than me. We don't scold her, we praise her when she's done her business outside and nothing seems to be working. She does have nights and days where she can hold on for over 8 hours. We've always left the light on downstairs for her overnight (as she never comes upstairs). I just wondered if you can help. I'm sorry for the essay but I thought I'd put down every detail I can think of. I hope you can help, she seems a normal, healthy, happy dog, it's just this one problem and we'd like to see if we can get her back to normal.

I am glad you checked with the vet.  Often behavior changes in an older dog have physical causes.  I always like to have all the details, that way I am not giving you the wrong advice.  

None of us sleep as well as we age.  There may also be something new going on outside disturbing her and leading to more activity. Activity stimulates elimination.  Make sure she walks around on her last trip outside for the night.  You want her to empty her bowels and bladder.  You may also want to restrict her activity at night, slowing the body and allowing her to go longer.  She may not adjust well to the crate I would suggest for a younger dog.  You could try shutting her in a small room.  You can also use a tie down, a short chain with a snap at one end and fixed at the other.  

If you do decide to try a crate, give her a chance to get used to it.  A dog that has not been crated since it was little, make take some work. Start out just putting its toys and treats in the crate. Praise it for going in. If you have been able to trust it with any bedding, put that in the crate. Feed it in the crate. This is also an easy way to maintain order at feeding time for more than one dog.

She may accept the restriction on her activity better if she is in your room.  That way, if she does have to go out, it will be easier for her to wake you.  

Another thing I just thought of.  Are there changes that would lead to you sleeping more soundly and not hearing her when she tries to wake you?