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sick Shih Tzu

19 10:50:13

I have a female that is 10 months old. 3 days ago she started vomiting bile.. The vet said to give her 1/4 of a Pepcid AC and chicken and rice. She did ok for 36 hours . Around 2 am this morning she started vomiting again and her bowels are running. She is not eating or drinking. I can get fluids in he by syringe feeding. How much is the minimum I should get in her per hour? Should I use Chicken broth or just water? I live in a very small town and there is no vet open anywhere near me till Tuesday.. Thanks I am really worried she is rather listless except when she gets up to go outside

Get some pedialyte, preferably the unflavored kind,. Also some children's liquid immodium, and antinausea if you can find it. Dose by weight. You can also use liquid immodium and pepto bismal. Does she have fever? Dont' worry about food right now. Is she lethargic and feeling horrible? In pain? When was the last time she was dewormed? Any possiblity of ghiardia? What vaccinations has she had? This sounds frighteningly like parvo.