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dog sleep aids?

19 14:15:30

hello,  i have a 4 yr. old lab that has been "whining" the last couple of nights, (intermitently).  she has eaten and behaved normally during that time during the day.  my wife ventured this morning "if their were sleeping pills for dogs..."

i am leaning against this notion, but perhaps there is/are other recommendations that we could implement.  thank you very much. FB  

Hi Frank,

There are sedatives that would make your lab sleep, but I really doubt a veterinarian would prescribe them.   Most dogs will whine a few nights, then give up. Is this a new behaviour?  Do you think she may need to relieve herself?  Have you recently changed her sleep habits, for instance... let her sleep with you or in your room ?  Labs are very smart dogs, so if you give in even once , and let her out, then you will have to listen to it for awhile.

I hope it gets better soon for you.... but I really think giving her a sedative is not a good idea.   Have you tried those little things you put in your ears to block sound?  When my kids were little, I used them and they work great!

Good luck and God bless,