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Wont eat dry dog/or any dog food

19 9:53:21


I have a pom who is just over 1 yr old. I brought her when she was 8wks old.  She used to eat dry dog food all the time. I went out of town about 4 months ago and I left her with a relative who gave her table food. And now she wont eat dog food anymore. I am so upset by this.. I have brought almost every brand of dry dog food available. and she will not eat it at all. I tried leaving it out and not giving her anything else and she would go days without eating and still would not eat the food. I am at my wits end with this dog. I know table food is not good for her. Please help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Hello Stephanie,

I would buy the food you want her to eat and be persistent.  Dogs that were given table scraps for a time most often don't want to eat their dog food afterwards.  However, they will eat the dog food when they get hungry enough.  Sounds like tough love? well it sort of is.  I had one client tell me that their dog won't eat the new food I suggested to them, but they did what I just told you to do and their dog finally eats it and enjoys his meal times.  It all about being in control and not allowing your dog to get their own way.  We know what is best for them even though they prefer to eat our food. The food I suggest is Life's Abundance.  You can view it at
If you want you can email me I will be happy to send you a sample to try along with another food and a supplement I like to use.

Susan Potts