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3 yr old Dog pees inside and refuses to go outside sometimes.

19 10:15:01


Hi Shawn  I really appreciate this opportunity to ask this question.I have a fixed 3 year old chihuahua/Papillion. She was very difficult to potty train and was never perfect until I moved house. I moved away from My husband and fixed female lab Who she loved and played with all the time) into another house.  She never had an accident in the new house and i thought yea shes got it! Over a year (and no problems later even when she was left alone for hours while i was at work)We moved back to the original house.  Immediately the problems started again. My husband is ready to get rid of the dog.  I take her outside and say go potty.  Sometimes she goes right away. More often she takes ages finding a spot going round in circles over and over (up to 18 times!!!)before either peeing or acting as if she is going to pee half crouching and then walking away as if she has forgotten what she is doing or is just crazy. Often she just looks at me as if she has no clue what I am saying (even when she goes out in the morning after she has been in her crate all night and must have to go!)she will be outside for 15 mins with me watching the other dogs (two labs - an extra dog joined the family during my absence)do their peeing and pooping and getting lots of praise, then she comes in and pees on the carpet within 5 mins.  Have you any idea what might be the problem or how to treat it?  I have a friend who cured his cat of inappropriate soiling with prozac.... any thoughts.  Thanks for your help  Alison

Hi Alison,

Have you ever had your dog examined to rule out a urinary tract infection? For a female dog, needing to urinate as many as 18 times during a walk is excessive. Plus the walking while peeing sounds like she may not to control the flow well.

If she checks out okay with the vet, things you can do to get control over this situation are:

Don't give your dog the run of your home, if you are either too busy to supervise her or when you leave the house, your dog should be confined to her crate.

Give your dog frequent opportunities to go outside to relieve herself.

Walk your dog on a leash, by herself without the other dogs.

I hope that helps.
Best of luck,
