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When should Puppies get there first shots

19 13:35:39

My wife took our new puppie, golden retriever, to the vet for his next round of shots (3rd round).  He recieved his first round when he was 5 weeks old and the vet told my wife that that was too early and we would need to start over.  She did start over and got the first round.  I think we may have gotten taken for the money, but now I don't know if I can just finish up with his last round of shots or if we now have to pay to go through the whole battery of shots again.  Any advice?

Timothy, your vet is right; 5 weeks is too early to be giving shots to puppies, and they do no good when given at that age. The typical age for receiving puppy shots is at 9, 12, and 16 weeks of age. When did your puppy receive the other two shots, and how old is he now?