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Schnauzer having seizures

19 9:23:54

my soon to be 15 year old schnauzer has begun having seizures periodically (1-2 twice a week) What can we do to keep her comfort level?  I am reading on blogs that it is best that we don't hold or touch her just let her go through the seizure.  Does she feel the pain?  It seems like she get a major adrinaline rush afterwards. Could she die while having a seizure?  Our family vet says at the age let it run it's course.  I look forward to your thoughts. KH

Hello Kathy,

Sorry to hear this about your little girl.  I would hold her, I believe it's better for the pet to feel your love and to talk to her as she is going through a seizure.  I can't say whether or not she is feeling pain, we just don't know.  

There is always a chance a pet could die while in a seizure, but again talking with her and holding her is like comfort to her and that's the best you can do in my opinion.

Best wishes,
Susan Potts,CPG