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Pomeranians and shedding...

19 14:05:22


I'm trying to seek an opinion of someone who knows pomeranians very well and how much they shed. My american eskimo dog of 13 years recently passed away. I really miss having a dog and am currently wanting to get a new one but am having great difficulties in deciding on whether a pomeranian would be the correct choice for me or not as I'm VERY concerned about how much a pomeranian will shed.

My american eskimo shed like CRAZY. She came with me everywhere and was in my car everyday and I would literally have to vacuum my car twice a week! Even when she was regularly groomed... american eskimos shed a LOT. An insane amount of shedding. I definitely do NOT want to get another american eskimo ever again because of their massive shedding. Plus I LOVE smaller lap dogs the size of a pomeranian or chihuahua.

My question is... do pomeranians shed as much as an american eskimo? Because in that acse it's not the right dog for me. I HOPE pomeranians do not shed as much as an american eskimo do they?

I'm worried that if I get a pomeranian that I will have to vacuum my card twice a week again for years and that when I carry my pomeranian that I will end up covered in fur? If I groom and brush my pomeranian at least twice a week... I won't have this problem I hope? I mean if I groom the pomeranian at least twice a week?

The reaosn I really want to get a pomeranian is because I love how they look. I am torn between getting a long coat chihuahua or a pomeranian. See pictured below is a long coat chihuahua:

But I do not like the face of a chihuahua :(
I think pomeranians have MUCH more attractive faces. Chiahuas do not have attractive faces in my opinion.

Do you think a long coat chiahua will shed MUCH less than a pomeranian or about the same? Because if they shed about the same... I would much rather get a pomeranian in that case.

What I really want is actually a chi-pom (chihuahua/pomeranian mix) as shown below:

See how short that chi-pom's fur is? But they are so difficult to find! :(

I really want a pomeranian because I highly prefer a pomeranians face to that of a long coat chihuahua... but do you think that a pomeranian would shed MUCH more that a long coat chihuahua?

I wish I could find out the answer to that question so that I could make a better decision as to whether to get a long coat chiahua or a pomeranian. What I really want is a chi-pom because then I could get a dog with the pomeranian face I love but with the shorter less shedding fur of a long coat chihuahua but they are impossible to find :(

I think a chi-pom would be the perfect dog for me but they are EXTREMELY difficult to find. So I'm stuck on whether to get a long coat chihuahua or a pomeranian...


Poms shed ALLOT!  Just as much if not more then your Amer. Eskimo.  The Chi will shed less, but will shed, and are also very difficult to housebreak.  The Pom/Chi mix could turn out very well for you if you don't get the Pom coat. But because it is a mix breed, you will not be able to look at a 8 week old puppy and know what kind of coat it will have. You are better off picking a breed that you know will not shed so much.