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Animal Behavior as it relates to the weather

19 11:51:22

QUESTION:  I'm doing a science paper discussing animal behavior as it relates to significant changes in weather. Have you noticed in your experiences any changes in your animals' behavior before, during, or after significant changes in weather?
ANSWER: Hi Miriam and thanks for asking this question. I might ask if this is a high school paper or college paper?

Animals are very much affected by changes in the weather, but it's really more the barometric pressure that causes the behavior changes.

I train and field trial performance beagles and as you probably know, beagles are scent hounds. The dynamics of scent are totally dependant on barometric pressure. The lower the pressure, the higher the scent travels, but if it's raining or foggy, it keeps the scent low to the ground and remains longer. If the pressure is high, the scent hugs the ground and dissipates quicker.

Animals will tend to give birth during bad weather. The reason they do this is to lessen the possibility that predator will be out hunting for their next meal. An animals appetite wanes during periods of bad weather, so they are less likely to go out and expend energy trying to find food. This gives the prey species (and sometimes other predators) a survival advantage.

Also, consider the hibernation of some species. This is an affect of weather and length of daylight. I also do wildlife rehabilitation and run across many wild species. I normally get more rehab calls during or after weather changes (especially bunnies and squirrels).

So, in my experience (personally), yes, I notice great differences in MY animals behavior before, during, and after weather changes.

I would encourage you to do some googling to get some scientific sources for you paper, as lay people are not acceptable sources for most scientific papers. I know my college professor would never accept sources that weren't based on scientific evidence :)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your answer. It's a high school paper for an AP course. I've googled a lot and have a lot of other sources but I wanted to get the viewpoint of someone who has a lot of experience with animals. Do you mind if I quote you? Also, what is your principal occupation?

I don't mind if you quote me :)
I hope that my answer has helped and you seem to have a good head on your shoulders.

How I make my money is as a pet groomer/animal nutritional consultant (mostly companion animals), but do some behavior consults (but not a behaviorist).

Good luck with your paper and let me know how it goes :)