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16 month boxer has not bleed

19 11:48:50

I have a 16 month old AKC Female Fawn boxer. She is not spayed and to date, she still has not bleed. I was wondering if there was something wrong. The vet assistant told me that she might just be a very clean dog. I used to have a female boxer/cockerspaniel mix..This dog bleed all over the house when she was about 6 months. It is just very strange. Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.


If you are POSTIVE that she has not been spayed, then she may experience what is called "silent heat".  This is when a dog goes into heat but it is very hard to tell, as the female does not bleed as much. These dogs are very hard to breed because of this. I would watch for signs such as her cleaning herself more often.  Keep an eye on her, because you sure don't want her to get bred accidentally.  I would spay her if I were you.

God Bless,