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6 year old chow mix and 11 month old beagle puppy

19 10:46:40

My husband has a 6 year old mix (we believe he is Chow and some other mix, but not sure).  We brought an 11 month old female beagle home last night and tried to introdue them.  The older dog growled and snapped at the puppy.  Do you have any suggestions about how to try to see if they will ever get along?  We have a nice size back yard (fenced), but are not sure this will work for the 2 of them.  Thank you!

Sonja, the introduction process has to be a gradual one, especially with a dominant breed like a Chow (and mixes thereof). I have a Chow mix, myself, and although she used to be a therapy dog (due to lack of time on my part, we had to quit doing therapy visits) and is fine with other dogs once she is properly introduced to them, she >>will<< attempt to dominate new dogs at first.

What you need to do is take them for walks together every day, so that they get used to one another and he can accept her as being part of the 'pack,' which includes you and your husband. At home, keep them separated, either with the use of baby gates and/or crates, so that they can still see each other but not actually interact. The Chow mix needs to see her interacting with you and your husband, and vice-versa, so that he can see that >>you<<, as the pack leaders, accept the new dog. Switch them around so that sometimes the Chow is behind the baby gate or in a crate, and sometimes the Beagle is.

Take them out in the yard together, but keep both, or just the Chow mix, on a leash so that you can control them and prevent a fight if you have to. Encourage and praise them for interacting positively with one another.

A Beagle is a pack-oriented dog. It is extremely likely that your new dog will be happy to be submissive to the Chow mix, which is good. Any degree of aggression out of the Chow mix should be quickly nipped in the bud. You may want to enlist the help of a local trainer who has experience dealing with dog-to-dog aggression and can come to your home to work with you one-on-one.