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17 year old dog just lost energy and!

19 11:45:01

I am taking care of my cousin's 17 year old dog.  She moved out of the country (career reasons) and the dog is too old to take the necessary steps to be transferred to another country.

I've had her for an year and she's always been very spunky...walks, likes to be chased...always looking for food.

Recently we went on a weekend trip without her (wedding).  My dad claimed to have come by to make sure she ate her food.  However, when we came back we noticed a personality change.  she didn't bark to greet us, she didn't like to be "chased" she doesn't want to go on walks.  and recently..she's still looks for food, but doesn't seem to want to eat what we gave her.

her teeth are bad, but she's too old for dental work.  i just tried to liquify some food for her...and she was not interested in it. i know this is only day 1 of liquefied food..maybe she didn't like the food i picked out for her.....but i am scared nonetheless.

i don't know what to do to help her eat.  

she had a healthy check up about a month and a half ago by the vet.  

this seemed like a sudden change...and im really scared she won't make it to see my cousin again.

what can i do? are there IV drops for dogs? (desperate thinking?)

thank you SO much for any response.

Hi Jenny,

Sad to say, but at 17 your dog is quite old. It might be that she's nearing the end of her life.
That's not to say that you should give up on trying to get her to eat, but it's something you should prepare yourself (and your cousin) for.

If the dog isn't drinking water either, and if she isn't urinating as much you need to contact your vet immediately. Dehydration can be life threatening in a young and healthy dog, so it's a particular danger for your dog.

Personality changes in a dog is often a sign of pain or discomfort. Perhaps she's in pain from her bad teeth. Oral pain would be enough to stop a dog from eating, and with an elderly dog, that's a slippery slope to other life threatening issues.

There are appetite stimulators and supplemental nutrition to feed dogs who have stopped eating. Some are available over the counter at larger pet stores, if you can't find them where you live contact your vet.
Products to look for are:

DogSure Meal Replacement Food
Enercal High Calorie Gel
Nutrical Gel
Rebound Liquid Diet
Quick Start Appetite Stimulant
Quick Start Deluxe High Calorie Supplement

You could also try human supplements such as Ensure, Boost, or Carnation Instant Breakfast (not in the chocolate flavor)

If your dog continues not eating, please do not hesitate in getting her to the vet, even though she's had a checkup a month ago, her condition has changed since then.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
