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Female daschund

19 11:51:51

I have a 5 year old Female daschund that has a bad cough she sounds like she can't breath through her nose i plan on taking her to the vet but i was wondering if there was something i could do for her now until i get her into the vet? Tammy from ky

Hi Tammy,

Of course, having your dog seen and treated by your veterinarian is the best thing you can do for her.

The common causes for a cough are an upper respiratory infection, internal parasites such as roundworms and heartworms, or "kennel cough", which is the dog version of the human cold. Treatments vary depending on the cause of the cough.

Because anything I could tell you would just be a guess, and may not even be helpful since we don't know the root cause for the cough, I can't tell you a home remedy. I can tell you that running a humidifier or vaporizer near where your dog spends a lot of time can be helpful. Moist air is soothing and may help your dog breathe easier.
Wearing a harnesses rather than a neck collar and limiting exercise until the cough is better can also help.

Best of luck,