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Bleeding from the penis.

19 10:39:12

I have a four month old cockapoo who has never been around a female dog. He had just recently started humping and tonight for the first time he began bleeding from his penis. He started crying and fell onto his back where he laid for a few minutes before getting up and limping away. There has been no trauma to the penis previously. What could be the problem?


Typically bleeding from the penis indicates one of a few possible things:

1)Trauma to the penis (especially in response to masturbation, breeding or abrasion)

2)Prostate disorders

3)Hemoraging disorders

4)occasional small beads of blood can occur in intact males, especially if sexually frustrated.

How much blood is there? It is actually his penis bleeding, and not his sheath, correct?

Numbers 2 and 3 are highly unlikely because of his age. Number 4 could be possible if what you are seeing is a few drops of blood at the time.

However with the yelping, I would think it would be more along the lines of number 1. If he has just started to "hump" he may have rubbed his penis raw, or gotten a foreign object in his sheath. If you wash your hands very carefully and gently clean his sheath out with warm water, try to examine his penis and look for any cuts or abrasions. Otherwise a vet can palpate and check for prostate issues, and if it is a larger amount of blood coming from inside (IE he is actually releasing the blood) then I would take him in ASAP for a urinalysis.

I hope he feels better!