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Why is my dog behaving strangely?

19 14:01:39

I recently went out of town and left mmy puppy, a eight month old terrier mix, in the kennel. He has been acting very strange for the past three days. It is very difficult to get him to eat, even though I have tried several different kinds of food, it seems like he is scared to eat, he slinks away from his bowl like he did something wrong. He normal in every other respect, he is simply uneasy about eating. Do you think something happened at the kennel? How can I correct this strange behavior?

Hi Michael;
Yes, I think it is something that happened at the kennel.
Either someone was mean to him, and traumatized him, or he had to eat in a community dish and was attacked by other dogs when he ate.
Anyway, I deffinately think it was something that happened at the kennel.
If it were separation anxiety, I don't think it would be shoing in this wy.
SOMETHING made him afraid to eat.
Give this some more time.
When you feed him, try feeding him some by hand, and talking in a very loving voice while you reassure him that everything is alright and you love him.
DON'T use that kennel again!
You might want to discuss this with your Veterinarian, and the local Humane society.
There have been a number of complaints about the cae animals get in some kennels, and if these people are abusing the animals trusted to them, they should certainly be stopped.
If your dog doesn't come out of this soon, you might try massage to help calm him, and build his self confidence.
I have used the Tellington-Touch method of animal massage for years, to help correct aggression, excessive barking, for calming fears, and pain relief from post surgery recovery, Arthritis etc.
This is the best money i ever spent, when I ordered the video.
It only takes a few minutes to give the massage for calming, and it really works.
Go here and read about the massage method, and you can order the video there.
