Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Allergies?


19 11:56:58

I have a small 12 pound mix dog. She is 7 years old. She has developed below her right eye a bump the size of a quarter. It doesn't seem to bother her as she is being herself, playfull and all. I also have one of her puppies which is now 5 years old. They are quite playfull together and sometimes get rough. I have check to see if their is  a scab or shrach. This has develop in a couple of hours. I have given her half of a reg benedryl. If i see that the swelling doens't go down, i will bring her to the vet, but you think that this could be allergies?

Hey Sylvie. This doesn't sound like an allergy. Good for giving her the Benadryl though. I would recommend a trip to the vet for an exam. This could be an infected hair follicle, a cyst, a mass, etc. It kinda concerns me that it came up so fast. I think a visit to the vet would be the best idea. Thanks!