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My pup peed on my bed

19 10:36:45


I have 6 month old German shepherd/lab mix. He usually stays in one room of the house unless we are with him. But while we were eating dinner he sneaked downstairs and urinated on my bed. He has never done that before. I have just recently started to bring him downstairs with me while I watch TV. Is it a dominating thing? What can I do?

please help!

This is almost always for dominance,but can also be for attention

If he isn't neutered yet,getting him done will reduce the problem,also for now closing your bedroom door is a good idea

You might also have to use a crate for a while,and put him in there and keep him in there except to take him out and to feed him ect and do that for about 3 weeks then slowly let him out more,and he does that again back in the crate he goes for another week