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Chihuahua scratching ME in the face

19 11:17:03

Hi. I have a 6 month old chihuahua puppy and she often jumps on my lap and
will paw at me when I'm not expecting it and I keep getting scratched in the
face! I tell her "NO" and put her down, but it's like her way of getting my
attention. She doesn't bark, just paws/scratches at me. Any advice on how I
could break this habit she's forming?

Well, this is a tough one.... we had a wonderful bitch we lost last spring who, when she got up in our laps (mine anyway) liked to paw at our faces. I always said she was trying to rip my lips off! (Ya, it hurt; she always aimed for the mouth.) She taught *ME* well... I was always on the look-out for that "right hook" of hers<G> and learned to anticipate it. I would usually turn her away from my face as soon as she jumped up so that she was aimed in a different direction while I petted her. Strangely enough, that bitch's grandson has similar behavior, except that he ever so gently pats my cheek with his paw... sort of like he is petting *me*; it is almost as though he is trying to show affection. We now have a game we play... he pats at my face, and I pat his back.

Generally, I would say this is a form of "bossy paw", with the dog demanding attention from the person, except instead of going for the person's hand or arm, they aim for the face instead. Nothing like being more direct, I guess<G>... it certainly gets them noticed quicker!

I would say that as soon as your puppy jumps into your lap, insist that she lie down. This puts her in more of a submissive position. You need to assert yourself immediately before she can think to do the unwanted behavior.

I insist on this with most dogs that jump into my lap anyway, although I do encourage them to ask first before flying through the air. (If they don't ask, I just shove them back off.) Many I immediately put onto their backs in the crook of my arm, and they benefit from tummy rubs if they comply.

Whatever you decide to do, you must be consistant and do it every single time.