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excessive barking

19 9:19:57

Hi Nancy,

Im hoping to seek your advice on what to do with my 1.5 year old, female, black lab/pit mix.

There are two areas of concern at the moment and we aren't sure what the solution is.

The first is that Elle loves to get in the last word. We will tell her NO to something, and she'll have a mouthful full to say back sometimes (for example: we are enjoying popcorn on the couch, we say no to her because she is trying to dig into the bowl, and we get a howl and a bark). Never a growl. We typically walk away from her when she does this and we notice she stops and is a bit shocked but for months now she hasn't stopped that habit. Help!

The second is, she will bark excessively. When Im on the phone or working on the computer, its almost like Im not giving her the attention she wants so she'll come up and bark at me, like she's trying to tell me something. But its obviously very disruptive.

Sometimes will place her outside why we have people stop in for a short while because they may be afraid of dogs and she'll sit on the deck and just bark like crazy. I love her to death but its embarrassing and Im not sure how to handle it. Naturally we don't want her to be upset but we also like our neighbors and don't want to upset them either.
This happened tonight actually and as soon as I walked outside she stopped barking and was all excited to see me. I get she is missing out on the visitors but ultimately she is a dog and we'll do anything to try and break this habit.

Any suggestions for us? The first thing that came into my husbands head was a bark collar for a short time period. Im a bit hesitant to that because I don't know much about it and I prefer to try other methods that don't involve pain. But if this method is safe and only has to be temporarily I can be convinced. We also need to figure his out too for when we have kids, we don't want her barking and throwing fits when she isn't getting attention.

In regards to her lifestyle: she is healthy, she gets anywhere from 2-4 miles walks almost daily. She is very social with other dogs, a pretty happy pup I'd say.

Help and thank you!!!!

It sounds like she is the boss.  Does she have a bed?  If so teach her to go lie down in her bed and stay there.  If she doesn't know what either stay or down means, of course you have to teach her that first.  It sounds like she needs some socializing so take her to a class where she can learn to control herself.  If you have no place to take her then still teach her sit, stay, down.  When she knows these commands take her to her bed and tell her down and stay.  If you do this enough, she should stay  there while you have friends over.  If not, a bark collar is a safe alternative.  There is one that sprays a citronella, instead of giving a shock.  Either usually works.