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my dog may be sick

19 13:32:50

hello charlotte, my dog has not eaten or use the bathroom but only once today 01/09 he wont play he just lays there and every so often he lays on his tummy but his behind is raised up in the air. he did drink some milk though. and the day before he got into the cats food do you think he may be constipated please help

Hi Norma;
Giving dogs and cats milk after they are weaned can constipate them or have the reverse effect.
I doubt it was the cat food that bound him up, more likely the milk, but I would make sure he has neither after this.
It sounds like he is registering more than a little discomfort.
It would be wise to take him to the Veterinarian and have him checked.
It may be that he swallowed something that is blocking his digestive tract or his intestinal tract.
I would be afraid to let this go any further without having him checked. This could be something very serious or nothing at all.
At any rate, it is not worth risking his life.
Better to err on the side of caution here.