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My teacup Poodles first heat

19 11:33:31

My 2 lb. teacup had her first cycle starting around 8/21; her vulva was very swollen and I am certain she was in heat. Since she has stopped, her tits are enlarged and have knots in each one.  The size of the knot and tit is about the size of a small marble, not quite as large as a dime.  She is still a bit swollen in the vulva.  I would almost swear she was bred, but not.  Of course, with her size, I don't want her to have puppies.  Should I have ultra sound done to ensure she was not bred or what?

If your bitch came in heat on 8/21, she is still in season! A season lasts at least 21 days, and in some bitches a bit longer. Yours could still be very breedable! Why would you think she is pregnant? Was she in contact with a male? It is too early to determine pregnancy; a vet can usually make that determination at around 28 days of pregnancy.

Changes such as you describe are normal. Your little girl is now an adult. If you don't want her to have puppies, have her spayed.
