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housetraining older dog with an erratic schedule

19 13:36:22

Hi Carlotte,

I am a working person with long and unpredictable hours and also with a
neutered 3 year-old male toy poodle. He used to be trained on wee wee pads,
but when I moved to a house, I want him to do his business outside. In the
morning, he will usually go out. At night, no. I am not disclined about feeding
him at certain times, but t seems he will only eat when I am around. Even
then, he will go on hunger strikes for two or three days and it scare me to

Hi Julie'
Behavioral scientists would do well to study animals. they would learn how to gain control of everybody completely.
Those little 4 legged kids can play us like a violin.
Your little dog, it sounds like to me, is showing you he is lonely when you are away so much.
He wants you to be around when he eats. You just sitting there, and maybe talking to him while he eats is companionship to him.
The refusing to go outside at night.
Don't discount that he may be afraid of the dark.
I used to have a little Rat Terrier/Beagle mix that was afraid iof the dark, and she would wake me to go out, and stand on the porch while she went.
The light being on didn't help. She was just afraid of the dark.
Poo [ads for in the house at night,if you can't be there to let him out, might be a good idea.
The hunger strikes?
He KNOWS he scares you to death, that's why he is doing it.
He is trying to tell you he is lonely or something to get more attention from you. He can get your attention with the hunger strike.